Monday 16 May 2011


I am sure that you don't need reminding that the exam is tomorrow afternoon and at this stage, apart from wishing you all the best of luck (although I am sure most of you don't need it!) I am not quite sure what else I can do to help.

One last thing that I thought I would share with you all, though, is some tips on exam technique that I have picked up over the past few weeks in workshops......

  1. Look for the key command word in the question, for example describe, explain or comment. I seem to be really bad at the describe questions as I always go on to explain - something that will never score you any marks in a describe question. I find that underlining the key command word often helps
  2. Are there two sections to the question like 'describe and explain' or 'the environment and socio-economic impacts'? If so, to ensure that you answer both, write a paragraph for each
  3. Case studies....... are case studies mentioned in the question and if so are they plural/singular/named? Even if a question doesn't specify the use of a case study, if you can think of a relevant case study that could enhance your answer, use it!
  4. Conclude - apparently an examiner should be able to read only your introduction and conclusion and then be able to predict what you have written in the middle paragraphs and so it is also, often, better to rush a paragraph than the conclusion - which only has to be a few sentences long.
  5. USE GEOGRAPHICAL TERMINOLOGY - all those fancy words we have been taught all year should be included throughout your answers in the exam as, so long as you use them in the right place, they show to the examiner that you really do know what you are on about!
  6. When it comes to Human essays, whether they ask about consequences/reasons/impacts/issues it is often easiest to structure the essays by splitting it down into environmental, political and socio-economic factors. This can also be done if the physical essays relate to impacts, like flooding for example.If you get a purely physical rivers essays the best way to structure it is to divide it into upper/middle/lower stage and then use lots and lots of terminology. When it comes to landforms, whether or not it be river or coastal ones, a detailed mention of the processes that lead to formation, and in order, is key, along with an extensive use of terminology.
Once again, best of luck in the exam tomorrow - I am sure you will all do really well......

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